What will your legacy be?
Lately, I have had real signs that time is not promised to anyone...when you go it is so quick, fast and unexpected in most cases your legacy is all that is left. What will my legacy be? Will I be remembered for my random, sporadic thoughts that I was able to capture in some form of text. Will I be remembered for those two beautiful daughters that create new meaning to my life everyday? Will I be remembered for my transgressions. You know those mistakes that you make and you spend so much time trying to overcome and make up for. What is it? Or will I be remembered at all? Will history books have an entry for Miss Monique Colbert. My style, my passion, my odd mannerisms, my grammar, my shyness, my family. There are so many components of me. Whatever the case may be I want to have a tangible indentation on this great world that I live in. I want to create words that move mountains and inspired the lackluster, the doubtful, the fearful, to take action. I am convinced that inaction leads t...