BMore Lifestyle talks Spring 2019 Style with Rosie Mears Shoe Collection

This week BMore Lifestyle had a fashinable talk with Rosie Mears of Rosie Mears Shoe Collection. Chardelle Moore, the host of BMore Lifestyle, which is broadcast on MyTV Baltimore, had a delightful fashion moment with the shoe diva. Shoe Diva- Rosie Mears is a shoe designer who is definitely a Diva when it comes to shoes. This enterprising young lady designs shoes that are on trend. Her shoes have walked the runway during New York Fashion Week and even been featured in International Magazines. If you have difficulty wearing the high heel Rosie suggests you can still get a trendy look for spring with a lower heel that has color or embellishments. Spring is about colorful accessories- Rosie professed one of the biggest trends for this spring is to pop color with your accessories. From bracelets with color, belts with color, and of course shoes with color. She recommends colors like: hot pink, fire red, and lime green. Rosie also revealed looks from her own line. Stay tuned fo...