Two Sides of Love
There are two sides of Love There is a IN and an OUT Well I'm all OUT when it comes to you No earth shattering climax Just a simple we are through I'm done being your actual crash test dummy Your ride or die chick Your ATM when you are out of cash Your ray of sunshine when all the lights are out You see there is considerable doubt That you ever really loved me I was basically your convenient means To satisfy your temporary lust But we never fully connected because we lacked trust I was always your best buddy whenever I was agreeable to your many requests I was your cheerleader Your mocha colored life vest Keeping you afloat in your life and your responsibilities While I received little support and watched while my life and responsibilities became drenched in neglect I talked you never listened I asked you never gave We are an incomplete union An error of occurrence A combined history of half attempts And unfulfilled desires So ...