
Showing posts from July, 2015

Two Sides of Love

   There are two sides of Love There is a IN and an OUT Well I'm all OUT when it comes to you No earth shattering climax Just a simple we are through I'm done being your actual crash test dummy Your ride or die chick Your ATM when you are out of cash Your ray of sunshine when all the lights are out You see there is considerable doubt That you ever really loved me I was basically your convenient means To satisfy your temporary lust But we never fully connected because we lacked trust I was always your best buddy whenever I was agreeable to your many requests I was your cheerleader Your mocha colored life vest Keeping you afloat in your life and your responsibilities While I received little support and watched while my life and responsibilities became drenched in neglect I talked you never listened I asked you never gave We are an incomplete union An error of occurrence A combined history of half attempts And unfulfilled desires So ...

Win a complimentary pair of shoes from Rosie Mears

**Official Rosie Mears Collection (Sophisticated Women Shoes)  Trivia Contest  Participate in our 1st Rosie Mears Shoe Collection trivia contest and you could win a pair of complimentary Rosie Mears Shoes  Just email your answer to the trivia question and include your shoe size and if you are right and your name is pulled you will receive a pair of limited edition Rosie Mears Shoes  **Trivia Question**  1.) Name the artist and song for the video that features Rosie Mears Shoes?  If you think you know the answer comment to this post that you are emailing your answer for the contest  Email Address-  Send your answer and your shoe size  **The contest officially starts 07/06/2015**  **One winner will be selected 08/06/2015**  **Rosie reserves the right to make changes or substitutions to contest at her discretion**  Thank you for your participation  Make sure to check out Rosies page http://rosiemearscoll...

Mind- Boggling Monday

Any Monday after a holiday weekend is a Mind boggling Monday.   You go back to work and the reality of all the things you have to get done hits you hard. Your email overflows as your coffee just doesn’t seem strong enough…the voicemail light is steady blinking and your to do list looks is too long to be for real. You go to pay for a breakfast muffin and you realize you left your debit card in your beach purse and sadly there is more sand in your car than coins to pay for your purchase.   Relax, it’s a mind boggling Monday and your work mind is still a little jet lagged from firework fun, barbecued chicken, and a little too many holiday cocktails.   The good thing is by the time you are hitting reply on some of those emails the day is just about over and you can make the mad dash home to go straight to bed and try it all over again on Tuesday. Tell me about your Mind-Boggling Monday!

Heels and Cliques: RedBull Soapbox Social Atlanta

Heels and Cliques: RedBull Soapbox Social Atlanta

Heels and Cliques: RedBull Soapbox Social Atlanta

Heels and Cliques: RedBull Soapbox Social Atlanta

RedBull Soapbox Social Atlanta

Interested in soapbox racing? Well, if you are an amateur and want to know more about racing soapboxes and you are in Atlanta you should connect with the Redbull Soapbox Social. This is a group of wonderful people who put their creativity to these soapbox contraptions and like to have fun with the finished product. Redbull Soapbox Social - On Tuesday, July 30, 2015 the Redbull Soapbox Social celebration was held at the Sweetwater Brewing Company in Atlanta. The event was a pre celebration and invitation to an upcoming racing event taking place in October. The mix and mingle activity was filled with good people, light snacks, and beer from the brewery- this of course resulted in an awesome combination. There was even music from DJ Johnny D who played some great hometown favorites like Outkast to keep heads bopping. #SoapboxATL- This turned out to be the perfect weather to sit on the patio at the Sweetwater facilities and enjoy the occasional breeze, play a couple o...