Mind- Boggling Monday

Any Monday after a holiday weekend is a Mind boggling Monday.  You go back to work and the reality of all the things you have to get done hits you hard. Your email overflows as your coffee just doesn’t seem strong enough…the voicemail light is steady blinking and your to do list looks is too long to be for real. You go to pay for a breakfast muffin and you realize you left your debit card in your beach purse and sadly there is more sand in your car than coins to pay for your purchase.  Relax, it’s a mind boggling Monday and your work mind is still a little jet lagged from firework fun, barbecued chicken, and a little too many holiday cocktails.  The good thing is by the time you are hitting reply on some of those emails the day is just about over and you can make the mad dash home to go straight to bed and try it all over again on Tuesday. Tell me about your Mind-Boggling Monday!


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