5 ways to get thru Valentines Day
Okay it's Valentine's Day! What happens when it hits you and all you want to do is push fast forward and get thru this day? Instead you realize it is emblazoned on your calendar, you turn on the television and every commercial is talking about Valentine's Day, your timeline is a relentless excess of exaggarated expressions of love, your smart phone is sending notifications of text messages from family and friends mentioning Valentine's Day....
Goodness, it is everywhere. You get in the car it is all over the radio. Listeners call in giving love shout outs, DJ's are playing love mixes, and of course you get to work and some overly excited coworker has put ballons, confetti, and hearts all over the place! Everyone's smiling and wearing red or pink. Couriers are bringing deliveries of flowers, heart shaped cookies, and even pizza is in the shape of a heart.
Enough already ... admittedly ignoring Valentine's Day is pretty difficult. Especially when your love life is non-existent, or lackluster, or you are just single and not feeling amped to see all the public displays of affection associated with this day. Well, what do you do? How do you successfully get thru the ever popular Valentine's Day?
While your first impulse may be to pull the pillows over your head and call in sick and watch a marathon of sappy love movies...dont do it! You also may feel tempted to text your ex some crazy messages of love...please don't do that! Or you might even want to have a pity party and think of all the negative things you can think of to make yourself feel like horrible...that is utterly useless and counterproductive.
Here are 5 ways to get thru Valentine's Day successfully and discover the real secret to this day and other uncomfortable days.
1. Celebrate yourself- Look your best to feel your best. It really is true that looking good is tied to feeling good. A new look can shift your image mentally as well as physically. A new outfit, a new haircut, or a new pair of shoes can add a little pep to your step. Look so good others will wonder if you have a little secret friend you have not mentioned.
2. Treat yourself to an indulgent meal.
If you typically stick to a routine during the week...skip it! Do not dare go near a microwave today! Bend the rules and try that new Indian restaurant around the corner! Or go ahead and order the pricey seafood feast. Don't forget to order the dessert too...you deserve it!
3. Buy yourself some flowers- That is right..if you want them empower yourself and buy them! Who wants to wait around hoping someone will gift you with flowers? Intiate your own feelings of graciousness by picking out a dozen in your favorite color. Head to the supermarket and pick up a vase and take your time and smell the different bouquets and arouse your senses to which ones please you the most! Mix it up...who cares these are your flowers and your rules right now. You can even take it a step further and deliver flowers to yourself if you like. Include a card with a simple message that will be your own inside joke. Your neighbors or coworkers will likely wonder how you were so lucky to get a gorgeous delivery.
4. Go to the gym- On this day there is probably fewer people than normal working out. This is a great time to get all sweaty and let off some steam. Use that treadmill and exercise bike as tools to plow thru this day! Bring your headphones and jam to the latest club mixes to keep you focused on getting fit.
5. Selfie time- Yes I am serious! It is the latest craze right now. Aim, pose, click. Find the right lighting make sure your face is beaming and smile. If you followed the steps above you have reasons to smile. You are looking good, you ate a great meal, burned off those calories, and even have some flowers to fit in the background of the pictures.
Go ahead and take enough selfies to rival Naomi Campbell. Pick out your best shots and post them to ALL your social media accounts. This serves as a means of marking this day with your bold moves of self enjoyment. Now, you are adding your glorious day to the timeline of friends and family members who probably thought you were somewhere sulking today.
Self love leaves no time for sulking
No need of sulking because these steps also serve to help uncover the real secret of Valentine's Day. What is that secret? Well obviously it is self love! Learning to love yourself and present the best you to the world is the most successful way to get thru Valentine's Day. You can not conquer the world by climbing under a rock. You have to put your best face forward and prepare to take on situations that may annoy you or pester you. Actually, any day that you are feeling uncomfortable or less than assured you can motivate yourself by showing self appreciation. Your positive steps will surely attract more positivity.
Once you realize that Valentine's Day is really superficial...you will get thru the day with a breeze. Real love has nothing to do with marketing and material things. Yet, the day has turned into a virtual non-stop method of marketing to people in love and promoting the fairytale life styles that have no real depth or meaning. Therefore, yes, your phone will annoy you today. Everything from corny jokes to pathetic attempts to promote the holiday.
If someone wants to show their love for you that is great. It serves as as icing on the cake when you have already demonstrated your self worth and appreciation for yourself. Oh yeah...Happy Valentine's Day!