Georgia demonstrators gather on Peachtree

On Tuesday February 21, 2017 at 191 Peachtree Tower in Northeast Atlanta, Georgia there was a small group of demonstrators on the side walk. The afternoon weather in the southern capital was perfect for demonstrating.  These demonstrators quietly assembled and held signs for the surrounding public to view. Demonstrators are popping up all around in hopes of venting to lawmakers and the public. Richard Smith, a demonstrator from Portland, Oregon in town with family said, “We are demanding they hold town hall meetings to give representation to our voice!”
Is the GOP chicken? -It seems the crowd was in agreement that a traditional town hall meeting is needed for this group and their members. Other signs boldly declared that the GOP was chicken!  While other signs simply stated that TALK was needed.  With no town hall meetings scheduled in Georgia demonstrators are taking all types of public opportunities to display their concerns.
Business as usual -Despite the hazily assembled crowd other folk downtown walked by with a business as usual attitude and didn’t seem to pay the group much attention. Lately, it is becoming commonplace to see groups holding signs and protesting all throughout the city.


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