Have you ever won tickets to a PETA event?
Have you ever won tickets to a PETA event? When you are sitting in traffic and you hear the radio announcer ask you to call in to win tickets – you never think you might actually have a chance to win those tickets. Well, it just so happens I called into WRFG, a local Indie Format station in Atlanta, Georgia, during the evening drive home and was pleasantly surprised that I was the correct caller and was notified I won two tickets. Tickets to what? Well, the tickets were to a PETA event happening in Atlanta that weekend and the announcer who gave me the great news was Melody Paris who is known for being passionate about animal rights. Learning about PETA - I also have a passion for learning about new things and this certainly seemed liked a great time to find out more about what types of events are hosted by PETA. Some fans of the HBO Show, Sex and the City, only think of PETA in the infamous scene when the character Samantha wore a white fur to New Yo...