The bar is a great form of escapism
Sitting at the bar is a very familiar place for some people. I have memories from younger years when hanging out at
the bar was as natural as breathing. Often we would start at the bar and order
a round then continue to the dance floor once the round had done its magic.
That’s right the bar is kind of magical, when the intoxication begins so does
the hallucination. And the dark lights and endless supply of bottles on display
begin to taunt and tease simultaneously. The bartenders make their mixes look
so inviting as they pour, and shake, and combine their potions. Even an
innocent Virgin Daiquiri looks sinister when they plop a big strawberry on the
side and add a cherry on top. You become hooked with what nifty concoction you
can order that will delight your senses. For some the draw of a good bar is
simply marvelous.
Different bars all over the world- Now, I understand across the world there are all kinds of
bars- from the most elegant spots, to the more hole in the wall type dives.
Still, there is something about a bar that is simply incredible. You walk
inside of the establishment and you are allowed to walk away from whatever
activities you participated in that day. For that particular moment in time you
sit at a bar and you allow the bar to become the focus of your attention, the
object of your desires, and the means to creating a momentous occasion with one
glass of some form of liquid.
One Vodka Tonic- Just recently I had one vodka tonic with a lime and that
simple cocktail served as a transformative object for me that enabled my people
skills to become enhanced as I began to talk to strangers sitting around me and
asking about their day. I made friends
quickly and laughed with little reservation at small gestures and jokes from my
new friends. My confidence seemed to soar ever so slightly and as I sipped I
stopped obsessing in my head so much about my skin not being perfect or those
extra 20 pounds I started off trying to lose at the beginning of the year. Yes,
those things which this morning seemed huge were now mere small flaws that I didn’t
have time to worry about right now. As I
sipped I began to feel a little warmer and found myself swaying to music playing
in the background. I relaxed my posture a little more as I sat on the stool and
ordered some takeout from the kitchen. Then the realization that while the
restaurants and bars across the world are all so different there is still
probably one commonality that unites them all.
Bars are an escapism- That is the way the place makes
you feel. Bars are an escapism from your normal routine and daily activities.
With all the utter craziness in the news and happening in our ever- changing
world it is nice to have a place to indulge your need for a customized cocktail
with or without alcohol and allow the server to put that neat little napkin
down and place your drink. Whatever the price or occasion the feeling of being
a little spoiled or pampered is just fine. We all deserve this little treat. So
as the weekend looms there are many who will escape to their favorite bar. For
those that refrain from over indulging it is quite a refreshing way to spend
your time.
How do you feel when you go to the bar? Do you agree that the bar is a form of escapism? Do you have to have friends with you at the bar or are you ok with going solo? Feel free to share your
thoughts and post your pictures.