The courage to say goodbye in a relationship...

Goodbye is not a word used often when shopping and adding fabulous finds to your closet. In the instance of shopping you are only saying goodbye to your budget or goodbye to your willpower as you come up with an undeniable reason to purchase another pair of shoes. Yet, when it comes to relationships saying goodbye for some is just a polite way of showing manners, a time to represent the ending of a conversation or letter, or just simply a way of making a point that you are done.

While, you may say goodbye to those gorgeous heels you let your girlfriend borrow because you know you will never get them back. Saying goodbye is actually more when it signifies there will be no more hello's. In a relationship a goodbye is possibly the representation that this union has come to an end. To hear a goodbye may create a variety of feelings from sadness to relief.  Often it may happen when one of the people involved has decided to end the relationship; thus, this comes as news to the other party. When a goodbye is done in this manner it creates a tangible mark to show a concrete finality. This type of goodbye may not create a pleasurable experience to the other party; yet, it does show that the individual has courage.

Yes, it takes courage to say goodbye. Unfortunately, few people understand the importance of this word- goodbye. It is important because it creates a visible period where a door has closed and preparation for a new chapter can begin. However, when one partner chooses to end something and takes a cowardice approach by not saying goodbye it leaves the other party unsure of the situation. This often creates a state of vulnerability and a development of insecurity. Once the realization begins that the other person is gone and has moved on all types of feelings surface from shock to outrage.

One can become outraged that someone they cared for has decided to make a move without an explanation. In this world of texting and technology there are so many different ways to say goodbye. You can send a goodbye video, a flip gram, a tweet, an email, a text, you can post it on social media, heck there are so many different ways to send a message. Although, when saying goodbye the most courageous and effective method is the old fashioned face-to face.

Obviously, a face-to-face goodbye is a considerate act that is part of the fading art of displaying good manners. Now people seem to appreciate displaying rude behavior and disrespectful manners when it comes to relationships. Providing a closing statement that includes the word goodbye seems like a customary practice; yet, more often than not someone just walks away without a word and takes their cowardice character on to the next unsuspecting person.

While you may happily say goodbye to those ripped jeans you thought were so cute with your bum hanging out; moreover, one is reluctant to say goodbye eye-to-eye because you might not know how your message is received. Therefore, your inability to communicate effectively to the other person shows a lack of thoughtful consideration. Ultimately, the person who never got the goodbye message should feel grateful that the other person has moved on and created a space for someone to come around who can treat them with the respect they deserve.


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