Fathers Day..celebrate moms....and dads!

With Father's Day looming around the corner it is important to let the people who play the role of father in your life and the life of your children know they are appreciated.  If that's not your story then whomever you think is doing fatherly things in your life is the person you can direct gratitude towards on this commercialized day.

Negative Feelings
On Father's Day It is easy to get caught up in the negative feelings of an absent father or missing dad. While those feelings are understandable and surely valid it is just as important to let go any negative feelings and instead search for happier moments that you can recollect where someone did something fatherly for you or your child if you don't have the traditional set of circumstances. Actually, there is no template to family anymore. Traditional, is more of a fairytale than it is a reality anymore. With this declaration on this upcoming father's day just be happy and celebrate parents and the hard work they do in all capacities.

Back to women on Father's Day
It is even ok to put the spotlight on Women- in particular- Mothers at this time if you want to- create your own rules. As the single mother of two daughters I find it an exhausting duty full of so many complex task that it is simply mind blowing how we manage it all. My youngest daughter is a 14 year old teenager who insists on expressing herself and having me cringe with each different type of expression. Right now she currently has green highlights in her hair and from time to time wears a removable no piercing nose ring. With school out and the endless days of summer we are both finding it challenging creating structure with these free days. The week long camp program was just not enough time and the best friend bounce from house to house just ended with a three day layover at our place. That's right, I hosted 3 giggly teens at my place for three days after they left the White Water Park. Now, what? My fridge is not equipped to be the teen hangout so I have vetoed any more sleep overs right now until I take another excursion to the market. Fortunately, there is an upcoming trip to another best friend in Texas planned for the month of July along with some promised excursions down clearance aisles to get a jump on back to school shopping. However, the words...."I'm Bored!" Have turned into a whiny chant that I seem to hear daily...if not hourly.

Summer days with teenagers
Despite still working a full 9 to 5 office schedule I still manage to come home and put on my mommy pleasing face and offer to take my daughter to the mall, to the coolest little pizzerias, or to some knick knack place. But all this hustle and bustle makes me think back to my teenage years and how I made it through happily without an iPad, iPhone, laptop, cable,  and non-ending selfies and apps.

Father's Day
I will admit though that technology has aided in the communication arena for dads. I never had the option to Facetime my dad or Email him my report card. Still, I have to hand it to fathers and give them credit for having stake in raising their children as well. Sure, they may not spend as much time with them as the mothers do; however, I don't think that means they love their kids any less. The love is just different. From my perspective and my unique relationship with the fathers of my two daughters they seem to exhibit a expectation setting type of love. This means that they know that I work hard and have set down certain rules and expect the girls to abide by those rules. Meanwhile, they tune in to offer financial assistance, correction, opinion, and listen to the daily tales of the adventures of their girls.

Happy Situations
Even though my oldest daughter is about to start college and living in an apartment away from home she is still close enough that it doesn't feel like she is all that grown just yet. In fact, I almost think we talk more now than we used too. Still, I want to say that while Mothers are the most remarkable people ever.

Don't compare mothers and fathers...just celebrate!
Fathers are quite impressive too. So if you have a husband, child's father, or your own dad...you should take the time to let them know how much they are appreciated. You simply can't compare one's role to the other. However, what you can do is accept the fact that your situation is unique and whatever the case it has played a part in the person you are today. Happy Father's Day! I know that I have made many mistakes in life and bad decisions. Still, the creation of these two beautiful girls gives me pause and belief that overcoming obstacles and finding beauty in life is always possible because they exist. Thus, this is my unorthodox way of saying Happy Father's Day!


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